
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Reduce 3-5kgs In A Week

Reduce 3-5kgs In A Week -GM Diet

        It is easy to reduce 3-5 kgs in a week with little effort.GM diet has been popular these days which lays down certain rules to be followed a on every day in a week.If you are ready to follow this plan you will easily reduce about 5 kgs. You must consume atleast 3 litres of water during these days to get best results. These are the rules to be followed in during the 7 days.

Day 1
      First day is the fruits day,you can eat all types of fruits except bananas.It is better to have lot of water content fruits like can have coconut water which helps to keeps the stomach full.First day helps to cleanse your body.This day helps to prepare the body for GM diet.
Sample Diet For Day 1
Breakfast(8.30 A.M-9.00A.M)
1 apple and 1 bowl of water melon with 2 glasses of water
Mid Morning Snack(11A.M-12P.M)
1 bowl of guava with 1 glass of water
1 bowl of papaya and 1 bowl of melon with 2 glasses of water
Afternoon Snack(3.30P.M-4.30P.M)
2 tumbler of coconut water
Evening Snack(6P.M-7P.M)
1 cup of orange with 1 glass of water
1 cup of papaya and 1 cup of watermelon with 2 glasses of water

Day 2
     Second day is the vegetable  day, you can eat all types of vegetables.You should start a day by having 1 potato with butter.It helps  to provide carbohydrate for the rest of the day.But after breakfast you should not consume potato but you can have any type of vegetables.It is better to have raw vegetables or half boiled vegetable.
Sample Diet For Day 2
 1 boiled potato coated with butter with 2 glasses of water
Mid Morning Snack(11A.M-12P.M)
2 cucumber with 1 glass of water
1 bowl of cabbage and 1 guava with 2 glasses of water
Afternoon Snack(3.30P.M-4.30P.M)
1 cup of orange 1 glass of water
Evening Snack(6P.M-7P.M)
1 cup of lettuce with 1 glass of water
1 cup of cauliflower and 1 cup of cabbage with 2 glasses of water

Day 3
    Third day is the vegetables and fruits  day, you can eat all types of vegetables and fruits.But you should avoid potatoes in vegetable and banana in fruits.
Sample Diet For Day 3
 1 apple and 1 bowl of water melon with 2 glasses of water
Mid Morning Snack(11A.M-12P.M)
2 cucumber with 1 glass of water
1 bowl of cabbage and 1 tomato with 2 glasses of water
Afternoon Snack(3.30P.M-4.30P.M)
1 bowl of orange with 1 glass of water
Evening Snack(6P.M-7P.M)
1 cup of lettuce with 1 glass of water
1 cup of cauliflower and 1 cup of melon with 2 glasses of water

Day 4
   This is the easiest day among all days in your GM diet plan.This day you can take about 8 medium bananas with 4 cups of milk.By the day 4 you would have gained sufficient amount of sweets from fruits and fibre from vegetables so it would be easy to follow this diet plan.Take as much as water you can.
Sample Diet For Day 4
 2 Bananas with 1 cup of Milk
 2 Bananas with 1 cup of Milk
Afternoon Snack(3.30P.M-4.30P.M)
1 banana
Evening Snack(6P.M-7P.M)
1 banana
 2 Bananas with 1 cup of Milk

Day 5
    On day 5 you can consume chicken and tomatoes.In this day you have to consume atleast 3 litres of water so that body system will be detoxified and it flushes out the unnecessary nutrients provided by chicken.
Sample Diet For Day 5
 1 chicken patty and 2 tomatoes with 3 glasses of water
 250gm grill chicken and 2 tomatoes with 3 glasses of water
Evening Snack(6P.M-7P.M)
1 chicken patty and  2 tomatoes with 3 glasses of water
 250gm grill chicken and  2 tomatoes with 3 glasses of water

Day 6
   This is your feast day.You can have chicken and vegetables.In this day also you have to consume atleast 3 litres of water so that body system will be detoxified and it flushes out the unnecessary nutrients provided by chicken.
Sample Diet For Day 6
 1 chicken patty and 1 bowl of raw vegetables with 2 glasses of water
150gm of grilled chicken and 1 bowl of cabbage with 2 glasses of water
 Evening Snack(5P.M-6P.M)
1 cup of lettuce and 1 carrot with 1 glass of water
100gm of grilled chicken 1 cup of cauliflower  with 2 glasses of water

Day 7
   Final day of the GM diet.You can have brown rice,all types of vegetables,fruits.In this day you can have fruit juice.In this day you should not have chicken or meat.
 Sample Diet For Day 7
 1cup of raw vegetables with 2 glasses of water.
Mid Morning Snack(11A.M-12P.M)
1 glass of watermelon juice
1 cup of brown rice with mixed vegetables with 2 glasses of water
Afternoon Snack(3.30P.M-4.30P.M)
1 cup of apple 1 glass of water
Evening Snack(6P.M-7P.M)
1 glass of orange juice
1 cup of brown rice with mixed vegetables with 2 glasses of water

1 comment:

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